Bruxism Splint

Bruxism Splint

“Bruxism” refers to the medical condition of teeth grinding, which can cause various physical harm. The high pressure exerted by our very strong chewing muscles creates grinding marks or cracks in the enamel, which can lead to hypersensitivity of the teeth. In the worst case, tooth enamel may break, or ceramic veneers of crowns may come off. In the long run, bruxism can manifest as muscle pain in the jaw and neck area, which can lead to headaches.

A customized bruxism splint is a tailored solution designed to address the multifaceted challenges of teeth grinding. By providing a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth, this splint safeguards dental health. Furthermore, it serves to alleviate the strain on the jaw muscles, promoting relaxation and reducing tension and discomfort in the temples and neck.