Endodontics, or root canal treatment, is the field of dentistry that deals with the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the dental pulp (the “tooth nerve”) and periapical tissues. This treatment becomes necessary when the pulp is irreversibly damaged due to deep decay or dental trauma. Endodontic therapy is a painless treatment for an inflamed or non-vital tooth nerve, aiming to preserve the natural tooth and avoid extensive tooth replacements. The goal of root canal treatment is to remove bacteria that have penetrated the tooth’s root canals, disinfect them, and then seal them tightly and permanently.
In many cases, it is recommended to cover the endodontically treated tooth with a crown to prevent fractures and ensure the tooth remains functional in the dental arch. Endodontic treatment is performed – depending on the case – in one or more sessions and is the last lifesaving step for keeping the tooth in the dental arch.